Custom and Commercial Art
Bring your projects to life! 
T-shirt design The Royal Kingdom NYC
Label design for Fun and Function (Sensory Toys, Games and Tools)
Label design for Fun and Function (Sensory Toys, Games and Tools)
Label and game card designs for Fun and Function:Special Needs Therapy Toys
Magazine illustration The Jewish Homemaker
Poster art Hatzalah Beit Shemesh
JNF UK 2014 Fundraising Annual Report
JNF UK 2014 Fundraising Annual Report
Game Cards for Fun and Function:Special Needs Therapy Toys
Label art for Fun and Function:Special Needs Therapy Toys
Custom greeting cards for any occasion
Custom children's room art
Editorial artwork, The Jewish Homemaker
Game Cards for In a Pickle by Fun and Function: Special Needs Therapy Toys
All artwork in this website is copyrighted to Debra Sifen (Goldylox/ Getzel) and all rights are reserved.